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During the initial entry of data it may not be wanted to use the standard template handling for Knowledge Net nodes.
In this case templates should be assigned at a later point, i.e. they are post assigned.

The standard template preparation is described in Configure Knowledge Net.

When post assigning templates, the same procedure is used to create the templates and to add them to the system. However, these templates will only apply to new pages. Existing pages need to be updated, too.

The Knowledge Net Reports, found in the member area, are used to analyze the status. There are two kinds of reports

  • Invalid templates - Nodes that do not have a template linked to it
  • Invalid pages - Pages that do not comply to the template attribute/header definition. (This does not apply to layout, only the presence of section headers)

In the image below, a lot of (all) nodes are missing a linked template.


A valid page (linked to a Knowledge Net node) include all required headers defined in the template. If one or more required headers are missing, the page will be listed in the "Invalid Pages" report.

The update process is

  1. Create a template and assign it to a node, as described in Configure Knowledge Net
  2. Set the correct properties for the the node (as seen in the image below)
  3. Check the Invalid Pages report
  4. Fix missing sections in all reported pages.

Repeat this for all nodes.

When assigning the template to the Knowledge Net node, the system will parse all headers found in the template and list them. The user can then mark which headers are required.


In this example the node "Person" uses the Living Person template. "Education" is marked as required. That means that all pages linked to the Person node must have a section (with a header) called "Education" in order to be av valid page.

When both Knowledge Net report lists are empty, the post assignment process is completed.

If a template is changed or some node properties have changed, the Knowledge Net reports should be checked if some pages need to be updated or not. If, for instance, new information should be added to the the "Port" node, e.g. a "Location" section should be added. Then update the template, assign the new template and set the "Location" header as required. The Invalid Pages will then list all pages missing the "Location" section and are linked to the "Person" node. This way the content can be forced to include the required section and make all pages for a Knowledge Net node provide the required information set.

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