
Design of Information System

(By V. Grishchenko, O. Deviatayev, Yu. Shcherbakov, V. Smirnov, E. Yakshevitch, A. Shigabutdinov ; INSROP Working Paper No. 80 – 1997, I.3.4)


This report presents the results of work under Project I.3.4 at the second and third stages. It has been prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the INSROP Secretariat, allowing us to show the successive character and the general direction of activities in 1994 and 1995, as regards contribution of Russia to the design of the INSROP information system.

In 1994 the main efforts of the Russian side were focused on creating and substantiating a concept for developing the INSROP information system, including the requirements to the entire system. The proposed concept is based on multiyear experience of the AARI in providing information support for shipping along the NSR. The report takes into account the results of analyzing materials of the first stage under the projects of the Program, related topically to I.3.4.

In 1995 the work was aimed at developing operational technology of the hydrometeorological module of the INSROP information system and identifying the objectives of the module. The report presents information on the structure of the information resources of the AARI and proposals for its development with a brief analysis of the options for developing the information space of the AARI. There are also proposals on the information exchange with the INSROP participants and the order of access to the information resources of the AARI.

The report also contains proposals on the structure of the databases of the AARI meeting modern requirements and identifies telecommunication capabilities for providing transfer of hydrometeorological information between the system centers and users.

Based on the Scope of Work, major problems of planning and preparation for testing the hydrometeorological module of the INSROP information system are briefly outlined.


    V. Grishchenko, O. Deviatayev, Yu. Shcherbakov, V. Smirnov, E. Yakshevitch, A. Shigabutdinov, 1997, Design of Information System, INSROP.©

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