
Communication and Support to Navigation on the NSR 

(by Karl Magnus Eger)

Marine Communication and Traffic Services

Three satellite communication systems can support NSR operations today: The INMARSAT system, the  CEAN system and the IRIDIUM commercial system1 . Communications using Very High Frequency-radio (VHF), Medium Frequency-radio (MF) and High Frequency-radio (HF) as well as satellites are generally adequate for the NSR.

Vessel Traffic Management and Information Systems (VTMIS) have been used on the NSR in decades. Generally a VTMIS gathers, evaluates and distributes vessel traffic and waterborne transport data to improve the safety and efficiency of transport2 . The ARCOP-study showed that there is a lack of sufficient VTMIS along the NSR. One of their concluding proposals related to communication improvements, was to define a vessel traffic service covering the total traffic volume of the NSR. For implementing such a goal they found it necessary to improve the cooperation with local services along the route, such as port services and emergency services3 . Also integrate new communication services to the system that is currently not part of the system. The work with the VTMIS showed that there are a number of Arctic information services that can be combined in the system. In the future especially the ice information should be part of the VTMIS system. Russia is planning to improve their existing maritime communication services during the next years with a 2020 timeframe. However, it is still uncertain whether they will receive financial funding. 

Although the ARCOP-study considered the current Russian ice information system as an optimal ice data provider in order to support any future NSR navigation4 , the AMSA-study found that the existing charts is insufficient to support current marine activities5 . The Russian satellites are currently not able to provide Arctic navigation with reliable data due to technical problems. As a result foreign satellite images are used. By orders of consumers, the national ice service in Russia (AARI) using the American satellite NOAA observations in the visible range as well as the Canadian satellite RADARSAT. This is not consistent with the ARCOP- recommendation, which considered the Russian ice information system to be a standard platform for integration by other Arctic ice information systems. For instance, and to ensure sea trial of the of leading containership of Norilsk Nickel of a highest ice class LU7 in March 2006, AARI ordered 2 radar images of the ice conditions in the Kara Sea from the Canadian satellite RADARSAT5 . It is also interesting to note that the Beluga ships used their own meteorologists’ last summer, providing the ice navigator with up to date data, in order to get as reliable ice information as possible.

Aids to Navigation and Available Icebreakers

The complex geography of the NSR in combination with marine traffic requires the installation of various navigational aids at important waypoints, including radio beacons, lighted marks or day beacons, lighted marks, radar beacons, radar reflectors and various buoys. However, the coast of the NSR is relatively low and flat, which makes it difficult to use radar. Thus, it has been necessary to equip the NSR with high-accuracy positioning systems1 . Radio beacons are currently installed in 47 locations throughout the NSR, seventeen of which are manned stations. Two types of radio beacon are in use, one with a range of 100 nm and the other with a range of 150 nm. At the same time, 30 locations mostly in the estuaries are equipped with radio beacons. A further 200 radar reflectors are also spread along the coast. The reflectors are installed because the low, surrounding islands makes radar navigation difficult. 1000 buoyant beacons are deployed along the NSR for operation during the summer navigation season. All aids are shown on nautical charts, and their characteristics are given in the NSR Guidelines.

The (GPS) Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR satellite system) is a system for determining the precise location of objects using satellite data. Today this information is used not only by ships but by aircraft and even by automobiles, GPS is an important system for ship positioning in the NSR as well as positioning in case of any marine accident or emergency situation. A similar system called GLONAS is used with Russian satellites, but in practice only Russian ships are equipped with the electronic devices necessary to receive GLONAS signals. The GPS system, which was originally developed for military applications, is provided to civilian users with the capability to determine positions within at least 100m with 95% accuracy. Nevertheless, fewer receivers are available and ships on the NSR are more likely to carry GPS. For higher accuracy with GPS, a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) has been introduced. For comparison, DGPS systems are not available in the NWP. Four DGPS stations are in operation in the Kara Sea. The plan is to cover all NSR coastal areas with DGPS systems.

The Russians have several plans to develop rescue service on the NSR. Currently, marine rescue coordination centres (located in Murmansk and Vladivostok) and Marine rescue sub-centres (located in Arkhangelsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski) are in operation. These services are managed by the Main Marine Rescue Centre of the State Marine Rescue Service of Russia jointly with the Department of icebreaker support (NSR Administration5 ).

The following services are available:

  • Multipurpose rescue ships.
  • Marine special units with oil spill response equipment.
  • Auxiliary vessels and salvage boats.

Regarding measures on development of the rescue service, Russia have made structural plans along NSR/NEP 11 years a head (until 2020). For example, and in response by the Transport Ministry of Russia, installation of stations of emergence radio observation in Arctic points (totally 12 units) will be implemented within 2020. Another example is construction of rescue tugboats and marine diving vessel for the Sea port of Pevek located in the East Siberian Sea, and the port of Naryan Mar located near the Pechora River within 2020. However, private financial support is needed as the Russian Government only will cover 60% of the expenses5 .

The Russian icebreaker fleet is the world's strongest, in terms of both icebreaking capability and number of ships. Of the world’s total number of 80 icebreakers and icebreaking supply vessels, 54 are operating in different parts of Russia6 . However the amount includes both the Russian state owned fleet and several icebreakers owned by private companies. Since 1959, Russia has built ten nuclear powered icebreakers (see Table 5.2). Currently, Russia operates with five nuclear powered icebreakers capable for year round operations on the NSR. In addition, two nuclear powered icebreakers are operational on rivers.

Table 5.2: Russia’s Most Powerful Icebreakers7

Ship Name





Shaft horse power

Operations/ Remarks






NSR/Out of Service






NSR/Out of service






NSR/Out of service






NSR/Port of Murmansk

Sovetskiy Soyuz






Arctic Tourism /Port of Murmansk







Arctic Tourism /Port of Murmansk

50 Let Pobedy





NSR/Port of Murmansk






NSR/ Container Ship /Port of Murmansk






River & Coastal NSR operations






River & Coastal NSR operations





Diesel Electric/


NSR (Far East)/ Port of Vladivostok






Diesel Electric/


NSR (Far East)/Port of Vladivostok


In 2008, the operative service of Russia’s entire commercial icebreaker fleet was moved from the partial privatized Murmansk Shipping Company (MSC) to the Russian state owned company Atomflot8 . Generally, the NSR icebreaker support operations are divided, west and east, between two organizations, the Atomflot headquartered in Murmansk and the Far East Shipping Company (FESCO), headquartered in Vladivostok. The nuclear icebreaker fleet, services the western section of the NSR extending from Murmansk to River Lena as well as river ports on major Siberian Rivers. The Arktika-class icebreakers can open passages through 1-2 m thick ice, which is sufficient to make possible year-round navigation in the region. The shallow water ships, the two Taimyr-class icebreakers and the Sevmorput-class cargo vessel are designed to visit river ports and, generally, are not suitable for leading sea convoys. The newest nuclear powered icebreaker has operated since 20069 . In addition, Russia holds several diesel powered icebreakers operating on rivers and supports ships when entering various ports along the NEP/NSR. For instance, Lukoil has two icebreakers to support its Varandey oil terminal in the Pechora Sea. Another example is Norilsk Nickel which has built a fleet of six double acting icebreaking bulkers that allow it to carry out year-round operations between Dudinka and Murmansk, independent of icebreaker support10 .  The eastern section of the route is serviced by the FESCO, which operates diesel icebreakers. When the ice is thick, the nuclear icebreakers help the Far Eastern Shipping Company keep the route open11 .

Nonetheless, the Russian fleet is aging and requires investments and replacements during the coming years to maintain its effectiveness. According to experts in the nuclear shipbuilding industry, Russia needs at least three new icebreakers to sustain trade along the NSR for a sufficient period of time9 . Russia is planning to complete the construction of a third generation nuclear powered icebreaker by 2015. A federal program has allocated 17 billion Roubles for the development12 .



  •  1. Grishchenko, V (1999), The Natural Environment, Ice Navigation and Ship Technology. In Østreng, W. (ed.) (1999b), The Natural and Societal Challenges of the Northern Sea Route. A Reference Work. Kluwer Academiv Publishers, Dordrecht. 1999.
  •  2. ARCOP WP D3.6.1, (2004), p. 12
  •  3. ARCOP WP D3.6.1, (2004), p. 36
  •  4. ARCOP WP D1.1 (2005), p. 16
  •  5. AMSA (2008), Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment, Report Draft, 14 November 2008
  •  6. 324. The World Icebreaker and Icebreaking Supply Vessel Fleet: http://portal.fma.fi/portal/page/portal/fma_fi/merenkulun_palvelut/talvimerenkulku/icebreakerfleets.pdf
  •  7. 327. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_powered_icebreaker
  •  8. Atomflot is part of the state nuclear corporation Rosatom
  •  9. 284. Bellona: http://www.bellona.org/articles/articles_2009/atomflot_prays_for_sun
  •  10. 278. Barents Observer: http://www.barentsobserver.com/norilsk-nickel-boosts-arctic-independence.4647401-116320.html
  •  11. 29. Bakharin, B. (2006), Russia’s Nuclear Icebreaker Fleet. Science and Global Security 14:25-31, 2006.
  •  12. 298. Free Republic: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2234272/posts

Karl Magnus Eger, 2010, Communication and Support to Navigation on the NSR, CHNL.©