Communication and IT-Customizing.
(By Norvald Kjerstad ; INSROP Working Paper No. 2-1994, I. 1.1)
The first report (Volume 1) in this project, Routing, Communication and Navigation on the Northern Sea Route, is now completed. In the 46 pages report there is a detailed survey of nautical publications available for ship operators navigating on the NSR. Such information will also be very helpful as reference in other INSROP projects. Other key elements such as evaluation of navigation systems, charts and communication systems are described in detail.
A brief Arctic approach to international conventions such as MARPOL and SOLAS is made. The regulations for international shipping along the NSR are described and meant as a guide for ship operators evaluating the possibility for operations in Arctic Russia.
Description of different routes and areas is vital when evaluating the NSR alternative. In the report there is a comprehensive description of different routes and straits - including distances and navigational obstacles such as limited depths and ice conditions.
Norvald Kjerstad, 1994, Communication and IT-Customizing, INSROP.©