
An Overview of Russian Satellite Data for the Northern Sea Route

(By V. Smirnov, A. Bushuev, V. Loshilov, Yu. Bychenkov, O. Devyataev, Yu. Shcherbakov, E. Yakshevich, A. Shigabutdinov, V. Grishchenko ; INSROP Working Paper No. 109 – 1998, I.2.3)


This report provides an overview of a modern system for navigation support along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) based on satellite information. It summarises main requirements for ice information necessary in planning and operational support of marine operations. The instrumentation onboard currently operating Russian satellites is described, and composition and quality of data obtained for sea ice monitoring is discussed. The technology for processing satellite data at the Russian Ice and Hydrometeorological Information Center (the "Sever" Center) is described showing examples of how the data are used. Also, the Russian space communication system "Kurs", which is used for distribution of sea ice data to users, is described.

Finally, some examples of combined use of information from Russian and non-Russian satellites are presented, with a discussion of the benefits of synergetic use of different types of satellite data.


    V. Smirnov, A. Bushuev, V. Loshilov, Yu. Bychenkov, O. Devyataev, Yu. Shcherbakov, V. Grishchenko, E. Yakshevich, A. Shigabutdinov, 1998, An Overview of Russian Satellite Data for the Northern Sea Route, INSROP.©